Stamboom Terweij-Tijssen 27-3-2024 - Persoonsblad
NaamRandall Ray Moreau
, M
Vader: Edwin Herbst (1905, Texas)
Moeder: Margaret Stadler (1905)
Geb. datum6 maa 1946
Overl. datum13 nov 2018 Leeftijd: 72
Overl. plaatsMenasha, Wisconsin
MemoOak Ridge Gardens
Uit dit HW:
1) dochter Shan-Marie
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Mary Margaret Moreau passed away peacefully and free of pain in the wee hours of Monday night, November 12 at the age of 72 at Oak Ridge Gardens in Menasha, Wisconsin. Despite a year-long battle with spinal cancer and several long months of hospice care, she bravely maintained a stoic and good-natured attitude for the sake of friends and family.
Mary was born on March 6, 1946 to parents Edward and Georgiana (Thyssen) Van Dinter of Kimberly, Wisconsin.
She is survived by her husband of nearly 36 years Randall Ray Moreau; her daughter Shan-Marie Herbst; her brother John Arnold Van Dinter (Maureen); nephews Jason Van Dinter and David Mellender; nieces Wendy Van Dinter and Tacia Hill; and 21 grand nieces and nephews.
Mary earned a four-year college degree at UW-Oshkosh before working in Quality Control assurance at Gibert Paper Company of Menasha. During that time, she would meet her husband Randy whose brief time temping afforded them a twice daily encounter during his plant-wide mail delivery.
She loved her animal companions beyond compare and named her first kennel after St. Francis of Assisi, always holding him near to her heart. Her family feels that any type of action that shows special love to another living thing and makes you reflect on your experiences with her would be an appropriate gesture in lieu of flowers.
Mary was artistic-minded and dedicated to making animal connections. For many years, she enriched lives as a valued and respected dog trainer with the Winnegamie Dog Club (of the Fox Cities) building stronger bonds between owners and their four-legged family members.
Also---now her secret identity can at last be revealed: as "Inga the Voluptuous Prop Mistress", her memorable off-camera persona contributed props that helped local TV horror hosts Ned the Dead and Doctor Moreau mock and skewer their B-Movie offerings. Each week during production, she would recreate actual props used in the movies or cleverly come up with her own original works.
Mary would also get a kick from closing with a particularly apropos quote from one of her favorite films. In "Paint Your Wagon", Lee Marvin concludes an impromptu eulogy to a complete stranger with: "What I mean, God, is you have no pity for your living children.
So that's why we 're asking you to “be a little kinder to them when they're dead."
So hopes her husband Randy and anyone who knew and loved and deeply misses Mary.