NaamJohannes Baptist (John) Veldman
, M
Geb. datum23 dec 1831
Geb. plaatsOudewater
Aangiftedatum datum23 dec 1831 Leeftijd: <1
Aangiftedatum plaatsOudewater
Overl. datum19 sep 1876 Leeftijd: 44
Overl. plaatsLouisville, Kentucky
BeroepSchoenmaker in Louisville, Kentucky
Ongehuwd gebleven.
Geb.aktenr. 77
Geboren om: 01.00 uur
Aangegeven door: Henricus Veldman, schoenmaker, 31 jaar
Aanwezig: - Leendert Koos, 49 jaar, wagenmaker - Hermanus Baale, 34 jaar, werkman
Informatie Greg:
The American Civil War, between the North and the South, was fought from 1861 to 1865, and had an impact on the family. Ohio was a northern state. Kentucky was a state where slavery was legal, but was one of four slave states that did not break away with the southern states, and so was considered a border state.
Johannes Baptist, known in America as John, worked as a shoemaker.
Near the beginning of the war, John joined the army to fight for the North, but less than a month later changed his mind and deserted from his training camp in Cincinnati.
The army never found him, but in 1870, after the war, he was living in Louisville with his sister Johanna and her growing family. She and Joseph had 4 children by then.
Did John go to Louisville to hide after deserting? I don’t know.