NaamMarinus Veldman
, M
Geb. datum9 dec 1833
Geb. plaatsOudewater
Aangiftedatum datum9 dec 1833 Leeftijd: <1
Aangiftedatum plaatsOudewater
Overl. datum11 jul 1901 Leeftijd: 67
Overl. plaatsCincinnati, Ohio
BeroepSchoenmaker / later Schilder
Geb.aktenr. 67
Geboren om: 10.00 uur
Aangegeven door: Henricus Veldman, schoenmaker, 33 jaar
Aanwezig: - Jan Helder, 56 jaar, beeldhouwer - Koenraad Kluijt, 46 jaar, timmerman
Informatie Greg:
Marinus started out as a shoemaker, but then decided early in life to become a house painter. He seems to have married a woman named Maria, born about 1839 in Ohio, who probably died in the early 1860s. About 1865 Marinus married Mary Peters, born about 1843 in Hanover, Germany.
Their first two children died, but they were followed by Ida (born 20 February 1876 in Ohio, died 1945) and Alvina (born February 1883 in Kentucky, still living after 1900).
Sometime between 1876 and 1880 the family moved to Covington, Kentucky. Covington is another smaller town across the Ohio River from Cincinnati, and next to Newport.
Mary died in Cincinnati on 19 December 1898, and Marinus died in Cincinnati on 11 July 1901. I found Marinus’s name on an 1863 list of men to be drafted into the army (Perhaps he should have remained a shoemaker.), but as far as I can find, he never served.
1Maria, V
Geb. datum1839
Geb. plaatsOhio
Overl. datumbegin 1860 ? Leeftijd: 21
Geb. datum1843
Geb. plaatsHannover, Duitsland
Overl. datum19 dec 1898 Leeftijd: 55
Overl. plaatsCincinnati, Ohio
Kinderen? , ?
? , ?
Ida , V (1876-1945)
Alvina , V (1883->1900)