NaamHenricus Stephanus (Henry Stephen) Veldman
, M
Geb. datum15 aug 1843
Geb. plaatsOudewater
Aangiftedatum datum16 aug 1843 Leeftijd: <1
Aangiftedatum plaatsOudewater
Overl. datum? 23 aug 1869 Leeftijd: 26
MemoOnduidelijk of het over dezelfde Henry Stephen gaat
BeroepLeerling schoenmaker
Geb.aktenr. 54
Geboren om: 23.00 uur
Aangegeven door: Henricus Veldman, schoenmaker, 43 jaar
Aanwezig: - Jacobus Robertz, 30 jaar, horlogemaker - Johannes Merks, 40 jaar, baander
Informatie Greg:
Henry Stephen would have been 2 years old at the time of the crossing.
In 1860, at age 17, he worked as an apprentice shoemaker.
Beyond that, I haven’t found much about him. He is mentioned in his mother’s obituary, so he was alive in 1868.
A death certificate dated 23 August 1869 states that a man named Henry Feltman (Veldman was often misspelled.) died of “intemperance and fits,” meaning that he died from drinking too much. A newspaper article stated that he had been found lying senseless in the street, and died while being taken to the hospital.
I don’t know if this is the Henry Veldman I was looking for, but because I could find nothing on him later, I suspect it is.
I don’t know if he ever married.